I recently had occasion to conduct a QlikView training class and used QlikView 11 for Developers very effectively as a training tool.
Barry Harmsen and Miguel García are the authors of the well regarded book QlikView 11 for Developers. They have also produced companion PowerPoint training materials.
I had 5 attendees, all new to QlikView. I put together 16 hours of hands-on training, focused mostly on the Designer chapters, with some scripting. The PowerPoint training materials helped me to plan the course and decide how much I could reasonably tackle with the constraint of 16 hours. The authors estimate that it would take about 40 hours to cover all topics in their book and materials, and I think that they are correct.
During the class, I emphasized the hands-on exercises in the book and used the PowerPoint materials as a supplement to explain key points of the material. I provided each attendee with a copy of the book, and they were very pleased with it, and with the step-by-step approach described in the pages. I also used the PowerPoint materials for a couple of chapters where we didn’t have time to do the hands-on exercises, but wanted to give the attendees some background information.
This combined approach seemed to work well. The class followed along very well through all the hands-on exercises, and I feel confident that they have the foundation to proceed with QlikView design and development.
In my training survey, I posed this question:
The materials provided in this training were useful tools in understanding QlikView design
Strongly-agree | Agree | Average |
4 | 1 | 4.8 |
Subsequent to the class, I have provided the attendees with some help and it has been very useful to refer them to their copy of the book so that they can better understand and try out some capability of QlikView.
Kudos to Barry and Miguel for an excellent book that serves as a great learning tool and reference.