I’ve started my first SourceForge project named IntelliParse. As the description goes, this is…

A library to parse user-entered form data such as telephone numbers, social security numbers, dates, etc. and intelligently convert them to usable and normalized forms, with country codes, area codes, etc.

I intend for this library to be a cross platform and available on all modern operating systems for the desktop, laptop and smartphone. I’m in the process of deciding on a directory structure, and its taking shape with the answers to this StackOverflow question:

/project //Top level folder

/bin //Binaries ready for deployment
/linux_amd64 //Linux AMD64 platform
/debug //Debug build - duplicated in all platforms
/release //Release build - duplicated in all platforms
/linux_i386 //Linux 32-bit platform
/macosx //Mac OS X
/win32 //Windows 32-bit platform
/cygwin //Windows 32-bit platform compiled with Cygwin
/vs.net //Windows 32-bit platform compiled with Visual Studio .NET
/win64 //Windows 64-bit platform

/build //Make and build files, IDE project files
/linux_amd64 //Linux AMD64 platform
/linux_i386 //Linux 32-bit platform
/macosx //Mac OS X
/win32 //Windows 32-bit platform
/win64 //Windows 64-bit platform

/config //Configuration files that accompany the binaries

/data //Data files that accompany the binaries

/doc //Documentation

/lib //External or third-party libraries
/platforms //Platform-specific code for ...
/linux_amd64 //Linux AMD64 platform
/linux_i386 //Linux 32-bit platform
/macosx //Mac OS X
/win32 //Windows 32-bit platform
/win64 //Windows 64-bit platform
/src //Available library source code in subfolders

/src //Source code tree - this will contain main.cpp
/bindings //Bindings to other languages such as ...
/h //Header files
/modules //Platform-independent modules, components or subprojects
/platforms //Platform-specific code for ...
/linux_amd64 //Linux AMD64 platform-specific code
/linux_i386 //Linux 32-bit platform-specific code
/win32 //Windows 32-bit platform-specific code
/win64 //Windows 64-bit platform

/test //Automated test scripts

I am planning on using CMake and Subversion.